Are you looking for a warm, comfortable, nice bed for your dog or cat?

Don't you like the models you've seen?

Why don't you take a look at this particular model?

Offer your cat a cuddly bed where he can rest and relax

You are looking for a comfortable bed but not sure which one to buy?


We have what you need this little bed will make your little pets happy!





Allergy protectant fabric for perfect aeration and temperature moderation so as to ensure your pets are safe and protected. 



It may be converted from a cave shape to flat bed style with a simple, quick manipulation. 




PETSOFA™ is perfect for your small and medium-sized cats and dogs.

Provide super softness, warmth and comfort for your lovely pet friends. 




PETSOFA™ can be washed by hand or machine.

It is easy to clean.

It provides great convenience to you and your pets, and pets can use it as they wish. 




The cave has a well-shaped opening bordered with PV fleece

so that your pet is pampered while he put his head out and

will not suffer from fabric rashes.  


The cushion cover can b
e removed, is machine washable and can be air dried.




